About Me

Welcome, dear visitor!
I work as a Research Scientist at SnT — the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) of the University of Luxembourg. My research activities currently focuses on artificial intelligence (in particular, machine learning security, quality assurance and applications) and I also have a strong background in software engineering. I am one of the three permanent scientists of SnT’s SeRVal group (SEcurity, Reasoning and VALidation), in which I lead a team of 10-15 researchers working on AI.
The key vision that drives my research is to empower Industry and Society with the capability to develop and deploy complex software solutions effectively and reliably. To achieve this, I develop and evaluate theories, methods and tools across multiple application domains and technology readiness levels.
My research is inspired from and applies to several industry partners in various domains such as finance, energy, space and automotive. I am deeply engaged in technology transfer and collaborative research with the industry, e.g. through the creation of spin-off companies and the leadership of private-public partnership projects at SnT.
My work has been showcased in public media, including RTL, Paperjam (AI security, AI space applications 1, 2), Research Luxembourg and FNR.